


Student Orientation at AIAT

Student Orientation at AIAT

Congratulations on commencing study at AIAT. We’re thrilled to help you get started. 

Orientation is an important time that will prepare you for your first year of study.

The orientation program will be completed by students and ongoing support will be available throughout their studies.

The orientation program is designed to prepare students for study and to familiarise them with necessary academic skills and AIAT processes for the course.

The program has multiple components. There is a full day prior to the commencing of teaching (Orientation Day) and subsequent sessions each week on Wednesdays from 12-2 pm.


Orientation Day
Welcome and general information including support and emergency services, international student information, health, safety and wellbeing, facilities and resources, communication, course information Opportunity to meet fellow students
Week 1
Time management, participating in class
Week 2
Using databases and library resources
Week 3
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
Week 4
Understanding assignment questions and learning styles

What Is Orientation

Orientation is your first day of university, just one week before your official classes begin. Tailored to the program you’ve been accepted and enrolled in to study, your schedule will take you through program specific activities—like tours, info sessions, and/or current student panels—that have all been designed to give you everything you need to know ready for a smooth start into uni life.

Before you start

You should have already:

  • Read and understood your course rule
  • Reviewed your study planner
  • Applied for credit for previous study (if applicable)
  • See the plan studies page for further details

Why Should I Attend?

Under Construction xxxx

What to Bring

Under Construction xxxx

Not sure you’re ready?

Go through our helpful step-by-step process laid out under New Students

Useful Links